Promoting Your Mechanical Bull Business Through Video Marketing

Video marketing is a great way to market your mechanical bull business.  And it’s a very cheap and easy thing to do.  Many company owners are pretty hesitant about getting in front of the camera but in our type of business, the bull is the star, so you really don’t have to do much in front of the camera at all. Here are a few tips to help you create better videos and increase sales by using video marketing.  Remember, the goal is to get as many potential clients as possible to view your video and drive traffic back to your website.

Consider the Type of Video You Want to Make

If you look at the videos on our website…or on our Youtube page, you’ll see quite a few different types of videos.  Some have Mike in front of the camera, some show specific types of rides and others show a combination of marketing methods.  You need to do what works for you.  Taking a video with your phone and adding some music is fairly easy.  However, with any type of video, you need to have a call to action.  If your goal is to sell your services, you need to put the thought in the viewers head…CALL to Rent Our Mechanical Bull!

Be Brief…but not TOO Brief

Internet videos should be short and to the point. Since our goal is to convince people that the mechanical bull will be a huge hit for their event, then obviously that will be the focus of your video.    Web video viewers are generally watching more than one video during their viewing time; so keep your video to no longer than 5 minutes to ensure that it is watched in its entirety.   However, we see a lot of companies do a 20 second video and that really isn’t long enough to attract many people.  Try to at least have 1 minute of video at the minimum.

Using the Video to Sell Your Services

This is a little different than just taking a quick video.  But with just a little work, your video can easily be used to sell your service.  Sit down and make some quick notes on what you want to achieve with your video.  Ideally you can start with an Introduction page, then your video and finish with a few pages of bullet points about your services.  If you’re comfortable in front of the camera, you can skip the pages, and make your points yourself.

Be Engaging

If you’re in front of the camera, then engaging with your viewers virtually immediately draws them in and gets them interested. Ask questions. Encourage them to comment and interact with you in your videos. Consider which tone of voice you want to use as well when delivering your message. Using the appropriate music in each video can also help capture the attention of your audience. Don’t talk at your viewers, talk to your viewers. Remember to encourage them to comment at the end of each video.

Use Videos to Keep Clients Coming Back for More

If it’s ok with your clients, take some videos of the mechanical bull fun at their event.  Upload the videos to you Youtube account and link the videos back to their website….and yours of course.

Upload Your Video Correctly

Speaking of uploading.  There are a lot of video sites although YouTube is a must for any marketer.  But it’s not just about the video.  Make sure to have a good Title for your video.  Add a description that includes a link back to your website.  AND…use good keyword tags.  Check out some competitor’s videos that have a lot of views and see what tags they are using.  What kind of tags would you use to find other videos like yours?  Be smart…don’t just add a tag that says mechanical and then bull.  Use lots of interesting tags.

Classic Video Marketing Script for True for a True Advertising Video

There is a deceptively simple script you can use in each video to make sure you are getting your point across effectively and increase sales. The basic formula is to say what you’re going to say, say it, and review what you just said. Repetition is important. Use a friendly tone of voice when going through each section of your script so that you do not appear obvious, and remain engaging throughout each video. Incorporate subtitles into each video that also highlight the main points so that viewers can both read and listen to your message at the same time. You may consider using a Word document or teleprompter when recording videos so that you remember the main points of your message if it isn’t being captured on slides.

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